Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Yeah for Babies

One of my very good friends from college is having a baby. I wont mention any names, but her due date is sometime in October.

Needless to say I went to the yarn shop the weekend after I heard and bought a large quantity of cashmerino/silk blend yarn, and stopped working on everything else I had on the needles. The yarn became, in rather short order, the following...

Pattern can be found here, and a picture of what it looks like all finished and blocked out with pretty buttons sewn on is here . For the most part, I think they look the same, please don't burst my knitterly bubble by telling me they don't.

I realize I didn't do the kitchener stitch on the underarms yet, but I finished this yesterday while at work and I felt that kitchenering while working may not have been the best thing for me or the sweater. Other than that, just need to securely sew on some buttons and block the heck out of it (Oh, and knit some matching socks/booties...still looking for a pattern for that).

Close up of the neck:

And, here is a close-up of the super cute I-cord topped hat that I made, without a pattern! Thanks be to Harlot for writing the book that taught me how to do that. Also, this was the first time I made I-cord...kind of fell in love with it (for my non-knitter friends, I-cord is the stuff at the top of the hat that is tied into a little knot and sticking up, looking all cute and whatnot).Kinda makes a girl want a baby, or at least to find her baby daddy if you know what I mean. You just can't knit baby hats for dogs, not even Mr. Kendall.

Today, there will be more mitre squares, because I have been doing a whack of knitting, just not that type of knitting. Let me tell you, it is hard to go from knitting cotton, to cashmerino/silk, to LionBrand Homespun...LOTS of different textures right there, but Hey, I'm adaptable.

Now, for this weeks WWWdotWEDNEDSAYdotCOM...I bring you GreenDimes. They work for a fee to get you off all the mailing lists you don't want to be on, while giving you the option of being on the ones that you do, AND they plant a tree for you every month. This would make an excellent gift for so many people I know, and as soon as I get paid next week, I myself will be signing up. Good for the environment, good to keep your identity your own (less random junk mail, less chance of a bad person getting a hold of personal information), and dudes, they plant trees!!! It doesn't get any better than that. Check 'em out when you get a chance.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Well of course you know you Rocked the baby sweater!! Hopefully one day I will be able match your skill